The designation of the present as Anthropocene, i.e. an epoch in which humans and their actions must be regarded as a geological and ecological factor - if not the decisive one - has long since ceased to be the sole subject of the natural sciences. Public discourse, on the other hand, is dominated by the perspectives and interpretations of climate researchers, and thus primarily by the natural sciences' view of a "new narrative about humans and their past." In historical learning and thinking, past and present, together with the future, become intertwined as dimensions of time in the individual's ability to orientate and to cope with contingency. This entanglement, in turn, is negotiated in narratives; temporality and time consciousness are thus expressed in narrative competencies. Thus, it is necessary to explore the relationship between narrative competencies and historical thinking, insofar as understanding the Anthropocene requires both understanding long periods of time and moving within different disciplinary fields of knowledge that define those periods..
Specifically, the project will examine narratives on and about the Anthropocene with regard to the concepts and arguments of time they contain in interdisciplinary cooperation as an interface between language, literature and history didactics. In addition, the research project aims at testing the didactic concepts in school practice, for example in cooperation with the Inclusive University School Cologne and other schools.
Project Team:
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Barsch Prof. Dr. Roman Bartosch JProf. Dr. Wiebke Dannecker
Department of History Department of English II Department of German Language and Literature II
Dr. Andreas Hübner
Department of History
Dr. Martin Nitsche
Center for Political Education and Didactics of History
Publikationen (Auswahl)
- Barsch, Sebastian/ Bartosch, Roman/ Dannecker, Wiebke (2024): Vom Anthropozän erzählen – narrative Könnerschaft und Zukunftsverstehen. Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik (23) (in Druck).
- Barsch, Sebastian/ Hübner, Andreas: Concepts of Time in Science Education and History Didactics: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental History, In: Fink, N./ Furrer, M./ Gautschi, P. (Hrsg.): Why History Education? Frankfurt/M. 2023, S. 311–322.
- Bartosch, Roman: Literature Pedagogy and the Anthropocene, In: Dürbeck, Gabriele / Hüpkes, Philip (Hrsg.): The Anthropocenic Turn. The Interplay between Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Responses to a New Age, London / New York 2020, S. 113-129.
- Bartosch, Roman: Literature, Pedagogy, and the Climate Change. Text Models for a Transcultural Ecology, Basingstoke 2019.
- Bartosch, Roman: Literature, Pedagogy, and the Climate Change. Text Models for a Transcultural Ecology, Basingstoke 2019.
- Bartosch, Roman: The Energy of Stories. Postcolonialism, the Petroleum Unconscious, and the Crude Side of Cultural Ecology, In: Resiliens - A Journal of the enviromental Humanities 6 (2019), . 2-3, S. 116-135.
- Bartosch, Roman: Anthropocene F(r)ictions, World Literatures and Transcultural Ecology in an Age of Climate Change, In: Berns, Ute / Matheieson, Jolene (Eds.): Proceedings of the Anlistentag 2016 (Hamburg), Trier 2017, S. 233-244.
- Bartosch, Roman: Response: Back to the Future – Rethinking Time in Precarious Times, In: Schliephake, Christopher: Ecocritism, Ecology, and the Cultures of Antiquity, New York / London 2017, S. 217-224.
- Bartosch, Roman: The Climate of Literture. English Studies in the Anthropocene. In: Anglistik – International Journal of English Studies 26 (2015), H.2, S. 59-70.
- Carell, Leonie/ Dannecker, Wiebke: Nachhaltig – Inklusiv – Digital. Das Lerndorf als Common Space im Zeitalter gesellschaftlicher Transformation, In: MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung 52 (2023), S. 276-296.
- Hübner, Andreas / Barsch, Sebastian: Geschichtsbewusstsein und „Zeitbewusstsein“. Geschichtsdidaktische Überlegungen zum Begriff der Zeit im Anthropozän, In: van Norden, Jörg / Yildrim, Lale: Geschichtsbewusssein, Geschichtsbilder, Zukunft. Geschichtsdidaktik theoretisch 3, Schwalbach 2024 (in Druck).
- Hübner, Andreas/ Nitsche, Martin / Barsch, Sebastian: Diffundierende Zeit – das Anthropozän als Herausforderung für das historische Zeitverstehen, In: Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik 22 (2023), S. 85-100.
- Hübner, Andreas / Sommer, Andreas (Hrsg.): Das Anthropozän (Themenheft), In: Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik 23 (in Vorbereitung, 2024).
- Hübner, Andreas: „Anregung zum Müßiggang“. Geschichtsdidaktik und Zeitgeschichte in Zeiten von Katechismus-Debatte, Globalisierung und Anthropozän, In: Barsch, Sebastian (Hrsg.): Geschichtsdidaktische Perspektiven auf die Geschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts, Kiel 2022, S. 61-68.
- Hübner, Andreas: „Schwellenwerte“. Das Anthropozän erfahren, In: van Norden, Jörg / Yildrim, Lale (Hrsg.): Historische Erfahrung, Frankfurt 2022, S. 265-278.
- Hübner, Andreas: Climate(s) of Change. Towards a „Radical“ Concept of History Education in the Anthropocene?, Geschichtstheorie am Werk, 13.12.2022.
- Nitsche, Martin/ Hübner, Andreas/ Barsch, Sebastian: Die Zeit(en) des Anthropozäns in gesellschaftswissnschaftlichen Lehrplänen – Potenziale und Grenzen, In: Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Gesellschaftswissenschaften (2023).